Comic Books Make a Comeback to Revive Reading

What happens when a couple of engineers from Chennai that set up a STEM laboratory in schools are locked up during the pandemic and schools start operating online? Abishek RK and Nandini Chilkam, the duo who used to teach coding to school children as a part of this startup decided that it was the perfect opportunity to revive the comic book movement.

A trip down memory lane takes us to evenings after school—flipping through Amarchitra Kathas, Asterisk & Oblix or TinTin and Saturday mornings on the comics page of the newspaper that featured Garfield or Calvin and Hobbes. What happened to these comics? “Somewhere along the way, the younger generation lost the habit of reading with the omnipresent video content these days,” says Abhishek.

That was the inspiration behind their startup—Learn with Comics. The duo and a few engineers from their previous startup began making a couple of comics centered around simple scientific concepts or topics of historic significance like the invention of the telephone. “We then sent it to some of my friends in the publishing industry to do some editing,” narrates the co-founder, “We even made a basic, average looking website to put up the comics,” he pauses with a chuckle before revealing that the process has been a…

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