Chennai’s Chocolatier Recreates Local Flavours with an International Twist

“Chakra Pongal, Mishti Doi, Paan and Panchamridham,” lists Janani Kannan announcing another order. These are not just popular flavours from around India. They are the best-sellers from Zitter’s bonbon collection. The studio opens up into an air-conditioned hall with glass refrigerators at sixteen degrees stacked with decadent chocolates and pastries. A gust of cool air […]
The Value in Crafting Memories

Tucked in between the small dense apartments of Pallikaranai is a quaint studio with antique paraphernalia, rare books and glimmering statues of political and historic leaders—of varied sizes between ten inches to seven feet tall. “Sillaii,” Arun Titan enunciates, “No matter which part of the world you come from, the pronunciation is more or less […]